Tracy, her mother, Carol-Anne, and her daughter, Riddley were chosen as Habitat for Humanity Sault Ste. Marie & Area's 12th Habitat Homeowners.
"I'm proud, I'm honoured and I'm also scared too, because this is a big change happening," said Tracy.
The family of three currently lives in a crowded two-bedroom mobile home in need of many repairs due to water damage and age. This has put a lot of stress on Tracy.
“The work that needs to be done in the home is very overwhelming. I have not been able to keep up with the repairs these last few years, as I put myself through school to be a Registered Practical Nurse, and then trying to work part-time to make it by,” says Tracy.
"My daughter doesn't have any room for her toys, let alone her sensory items, while my mother just recently suffered a stroke and has troubles still."
As a single mother, Tracy encountered additional challenges when Riddley, now age 6, was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at two-and-a-half years old. “Learning different ways on how to parent is what we go through daily,” Tracy explains. “We keep very busy. Riddley is a child that needs lots of activities … We like to swim, bike, walk. We practice her reading and printing skills. We love movies. When at home, we like the trampoline … Well, Riddley does.”
Tracy wanted to become a homeowner to find stability for herself and her daughter, noting that, to her, “home” means “Safety, security, stability. A place to be proud of.”
Before moving into their new home, set to be built by the end of 2020, Tracy and her family will need to complete 500 hours of voluntary service for HFHSSMA. “I would love to help out with the build, and I will help out at the store if needed,” Tracy says. Carol-Anne says she will also help out where she can, so long as the work is not too strenuous. Tracy notes that she has additional family and friends who are eager to help in completing these hours.
“Being this year’s chosen family has been very overwhelming, but it’s very, very joyful to see the amount of community service that’s been put into it already,” said Tracy, "I’ve met some of the neighbours already, and it seems very welcoming to come here. It’s very exciting to be a part of this adventure coming our way.”