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Want to be a Habitat Homeowner on Goulais Ave? Attend an info session!

Starting March 1, we will be accepting Expressions of Interest from prospective Habitat Homeowners for our biggest project yet: a five-unit complex on Goulais Avenue! The application portal will close on March 30 at 5:00 p.m. At this time, Expressions of Interest will be reviewed and we will proceed further in the homeowner selection process.

Information Sessions for Prospective Habitat Homeowners

Habitat will be hosting four information sessions for those interested in applying to its Affordable Homeownership Program in March:

Date Time Location
Wednesday, March 1 5-7 pm North Branch Library (232 Northern Avenue East)
Saturday, March 11 1-3 pm Northern Community Centre Steelton Room (556 Goulais Avenue)
Thursday, March 16 5-7 pm Northern Community Centre Steelton Room (556 Goulais Avenue)
Wednesday, March 22 5-7 pm Sault Community Career Centre (503 Queen Street East)

Presentations will start at 5 p.m. and will run for approximately one hour. After the presentation, attendees will be able to ask any questions they may have about the application process, the Affordable Homeownership Program, or the build project.

About the Goulais Ave. Habitat Homes

Habitat will be building a five-unit townhouse complex on Goulais Avenue. Each Habitat Home will be between 980-1,111 square feet.

Units will have between two and five bedrooms. Units requiring fewer bedrooms will have an unfinished basement and units requiring the maximum number of bedrooms will have a finished basement. Each home will have up to two bathrooms, depending on the number of bedrooms required by the family. Each home will have a driveway.

A graphic of the front elevation drawing of the five unit complex on Goulais Avenue. The colours, imagery, and landscaping may not reflect the final development.

The property, located at 661 Goulais Avenue, was donated to Habitat in 2020 by Soo Mill Buildall. A perfect location for families, it is conveniently located along a bus route in the city’s west end and is within walking distance of Korah Collegiate & Vocational School, three elementary schools, Northern Community Centre, W.J. McMeeken Centre, parks, and grocery stores.

Are You Eligible for a Habitat Home on Goulais?

Habitat Homeowners are ready for the responsibility of homeownership but need a little help to get there. You may be eligible for a Habitat Home if…

  • You demonstrate a need for safe, decent, and affordable housing,
  • You have a stable income but need assistance to qualify for a conventional mortgage, AND
  • You are willing to partner with Habitat for Humanity

Minimum income requirements vary by unit. The minimum gross (before taxes) household income required for units is as follows:

Unit Size Gross Household Income
2 Bedroom $40,850
3 Bedroom $46,750
5 Bedroom $55,500

Maximum gross household income is $86,500 per year (below 60th percentile locally).   

To learn more about the application process, our Affordable Homeownership Program, and eligibility requirements, click here.

For a list of frequently asked questions about our program, click here.

Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation Requirements for Habitat Homeownership

  • Credit score must be at least 600
  • Total monthly housing costs cannot represent more than 32%* of your gross household income (Gross Debt Service (GDS) ratio)
  • Total debt load cannot be more than 42%* of your gross household income (Total Debt Service (TDS) ratio).

Information about how to calculate these percentages will be available at our information sessions.


Please email Carlee Lewis, Community Outreach Intern at

 Learn More About Becoming a Habitat Homeowner

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