Who we are
Founded in 2002, Habitat for Humanity Sault Ste. Marie & Area is a non-profit charitable housing organization that believes everyone deserves a decent place to live.
We strive to mobilize and work with our community to help local families build strength, stability, and self-reliance through affordable homeownership. Thanks to the help of volunteers, donors, and community partners, fourteen Habitat families have found safe, decent, and affordable homes upon which to build brighter and more stable futures.
Our Affordable Homeownership Program
We don’t give away free homes; rather, our Affordable Homeownership Program bridges a gap for families unable to afford a traditional mortgage by providing them with the opportunity to purchase their own home.
Families who apply and are accepted to become Habitat Homeowners purchase their home through a no-down-payment, interest-free mortgage geared to their income and contribute at least 500 volunteer hours to Habitat.
Once they move in, Habitat homeowners are responsible for maintaining their own home. We help families and individuals prepare for homeownership by providing homeowner education classes, ranging from financial literacy and budgeting to home-repair and maintenance.
Our path to homeownership requires hard work, time, and dedication, but this helps ensure the long-term success of the families we partner with.
Our Roots
Habitat for Humanity Sault Ste. Marie & Area
"We did it!! Two years since our first interest group meeting and we are thrilled to announce we are officially a Habitat for Humanity Affiliate.
I personally want to thank all present and former board members who worked so hard on the affiliation process. We also thank the original steering committee members and of course our local founder Gene Quinn for bringing Habitat for Humanity to Sault Ste. Marie. This was definitely a team effort and it shows in our strengths and patience.
It is not time to rest yet. Now we start raising money and planning for the future. We are always looking for dedicated committee members and potential new board members, however, if you only have the odd day to donate or a few hours a week we have a job for you!
We have been chomping at the bit to get this far and now we can celebrate and [be thankful] for this blessing."
- Nancy Bailey (Chairperson) in an excerpt from Habitat's Cornerstone newsletter in the Summer of 2002